All American Assisted Living at Wrentham
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Being Thankful

For many Americans, Thanksgiving represents perfection in a holiday tradition: family, friends, food, shopping, and of course football. As we reap the harvest and Black Friday deals, why not use this as a time to be thankful, to reflect on what’s most important? There are hundreds of reasons to be grateful. Perhaps most important is […]

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Wellness For Life: Healthier Lifestyle

Wellness can be achieved at almost any point in life. It can include eating right, exercising more and improving your mental outlook. Not new concepts by any means, but worth a fresh perspective. You Are What You Eat. Eating a plethora of fruits and vegetables is one way to improve your health. So is reducing […]

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Is it Dementia?

For anyone over the age of 50, you know that the last time you misplaced your keys, or you forgot your sister’s birthday, you immediately thought ‘I have Alzheimer’s’. This knee-jerk reaction is a default for our generation. For years we’ve seen the commercials on TV, witnessed the cognitive decline of our older relatives and […]

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Wellness For Life

Wellness can be achieved at almost any point in life. It can include eating right, exercising more and improving your mental outlook. Not new concepts by any means, but worth a fresh perspective. You Are What You Eat. Eating a plethora of fruits and vegetables is one way to improve your health. So is reducing […]

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