All American Assisted Living at Wrentham
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How To Create a Safe Living Environment for Seniors With Dementia

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be both rewarding and challenging. One of the most critical aspects of this responsibility is ensuring they live in a safe environment. For caregivers and family members, this means taking proactive steps to minimize hazards and prevent accidents, falls, and injuries.  What Is Dementia? Before making changes […]

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Cognitive Exercises for Stroke Patients

A stroke can change a senior’s life in an instant, affecting not only physical abilities but also cognitive functions. The impact on memory, attention, and problem-solving skills can be profound and often overwhelming, but there is hope! Cognitive exercises for stroke patients fall into 3 primary categories: Memory improvement activities Attention and concentration activities Problem-solving […]

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How Seniors Can Improve Leg Circulation

As we age, maintaining good circulation in the legs becomes increasingly important for overall health and mobility. Poor leg circulation can lead to discomfort, swelling, and even more serious conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).  Fortunately, there are several effective strategies that older adults can adopt to improve leg circulation, including leg elevation, compression […]

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What Happens When Assisted Living Is Not Enough?

Navigating a loved one’s evolving care needs is a challenging yet essential part of the aging process. Understanding when assisted living may no longer suffice is key to maintaining the health, happiness, and well-being of our seniors.  Assisted living alternatives, transitioning senior care, and senior health assessments are not just terms but pathways to a […]

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Top 5 Mistakes After Knee Replacement Surgery

If you’re one of the millions of individuals who have undergone knee replacement surgery, congratulations on taking the necessary steps to improve your quality of life and alleviate pain. However, as with any major surgery, there is a recovery and physical therapy process that requires patience and care. Despite strict instructions from doctors and physical […]

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6 Easy Exercises for Swollen Ankles

Swollen ankles are common in older adults and can affect your daily life. Many senior living communities offer services and amenities that focus on physical fitness, wellness, and routine health assessments to help their residents stay healthy.  Swollen ankles can be painful and uncomfortable. They can make daily tasks challenging and limit mobility. The good […]

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Are Assisted Living & Nursing Homes the Same?

In senior living, 2 terms that come up often are ‘assisted living‘ and ‘nursing homes.’ While some might use these 2 phrases interchangeably, they aren’t the same.  Assisted living provides seniors with a balance of independence while assisting with activities of daily living. Nursing homes serve as long-term medical care for seniors with health issues.  […]

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