All American Assisted Living at Wrentham
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Top 5 Mistakes After Knee Replacement Surgery

If you’re one of the millions of individuals who have undergone knee replacement surgery, congratulations on taking the necessary steps to improve your quality of life and alleviate pain. However, as with any major surgery, there is a recovery and physical therapy process that requires patience and care. Despite strict instructions from doctors and physical […]

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6 Easy Exercises for Swollen Ankles

Swollen ankles are common in older adults and can affect your daily life. Many senior living communities offer services and amenities that focus on physical fitness, wellness, and routine health assessments to help their residents stay healthy.  Swollen ankles can be painful and uncomfortable. They can make daily tasks challenging and limit mobility. The good […]

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Are Assisted Living & Nursing Homes the Same?

In senior living, 2 terms that come up often are ‘assisted living‘ and ‘nursing homes.’ While some might use these 2 phrases interchangeably, they aren’t the same.  Assisted living provides seniors with a balance of independence while assisting with activities of daily living. Nursing homes serve as long-term medical care for seniors with health issues.  […]

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How to Improve Cognitive Skills After a Stroke

Cognition is the mental process of acquiring, organizing, and using information, and different parts of the brain control these processes. When these parts of the brain get damaged by a stroke, it can affect your cognitive abilities.  The prevalence of post-stroke cognitive impairment ranges between 20% and 80%, but there is life after a stroke. […]

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What Services Are Provided In Assisted Living Communities?

Assisted living offers seniors the opportunity to spend more time doing things they love while using less energy for chores and other mundane tasks. But exactly what services does assisted living provide, and how can you be certain the community you’ve chosen will provide the right kind of support for your loved one? At All […]

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Can You Prevent Alzheimer’s & Dementia?

Memory loss and cognitive decline affect millions of older adults around the world, but these changes are absolutely not an inevitable part of aging.  While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, research suggests there are some healthy habits that may help keep a person in good health for longer, […]

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